Formed in 1889, St. Anne's Christian Ladies Sodality is the oldest active organization within St. John's Parish. The purpose of forming this group was to unite the ladies of the parish so they could support one another by prayers and deeds in their efforts to live as dedicated Christian women.
Originally their patron saint was St. Elizabeth. The big bell in the steeple was purchased by the Sodality in 1900 and bears an inscription to St. Elizabeth. Their patron was later changed to St. Anne, the mother of Mary.
St. John's PCCW (Parish Council of Catholic Women) as the group has come to be known, has membership composed of all ladies of the parish, high school graduate or 18 years of age and over. The membership is automatic and their are no dues to belong.
The group meets in St. Anne's Room at 6:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month with no meeting during the months of June, July and December. Meetings are open to all members and the minutes are posted in the bulletin following the meeting to keep all informed of our upcoming activities.
Geri Geringer, President
Nancy Keim, Vice President
Glenda Landewee, Treasurer
JoEllen Jansen, Secretary
Parish Christmas Party
Mother-Daughter Luncheon for Parish High School Seniors.
Annual Rummage Sale at the KC Hall
Annual Mission Breakfast
Nursing Home Gifts
Bereavement Dinners & Receptions
Monthly Donations to Food Pantry
Support to Seminarians
Please remember to save the stamps from all of your holiday mail for our project to send to The Sisters of the Holy Cross in Notre Dame, IN.
We have started a new project and that is for the St. Jude's Ranch for Children in Boulder, Nevada.
They want the front of our new and used Christmas cards.They can not use Hall-mark, American Greeting or Disney due to copyrighting issues.
They have the children use them to make new cards that they sell for their organization. Please place in our basket where you currently place your stamps. If questions, please contact Geri Geringer, 208-6445. Thanks in advance for doing this for someone else.
PCCW will mail in middle of January so enjoy your cards before you share them with us.